Ancient Egyptian Education.

A successful ancient Egyptian education usually depended on two things.

1.The child's sex - If the parents had a boy then he was eligible for former schooling.

2.Finances - Schooling was for those with higher positions in the social pyramid (nobles etc)

In most cases a child's education was provided by their parents.

Ancient Egypt Education ... Like father like son.

It makes sense that growing up with a Dad who is a carpenter, a boy is going to be exposed to the trade from a very early age.

Children in ancient Egypt took on adult tasks a lot earlier than the children of today, so, by adolescence, the farmer's son was no stranger at swinging a hoe or lugging grain.

Likewise for the girls. It was the mother's job to teach them housekeeping, as well as singing and dancing instruction in some cases. Weaving was another job that fell into the female's domain.

Formal schooling.

Reading and writing were important in for a variety of professions. It wasn't just scribes that had to understand Egyptian hieroglyphics Other professions, such as craftsmen and military leaders, would also need formal schooling in reading and writing.

Military leaders had to be able to read communications sent by letter.

Craftsmen had to interpret written hieroglyphs to carve messages on the walls of tombs or temples. They had to know what they were doing when they were writing spells on temple walls, or so help them god... (shocking pun intended.)

Scribes oversaw the work of tomb and temple inscriptions - such was the importance of them - so, just how well-educated craftsmen were, is not entirely known.

Temple university.

All advanced education was carried out by priests and scribes at the temples. Only members of Noble classes had children attending these fine establishments and it was a boys-only school. Although, there have been rare tomb paintings uncovered that depict girls with a scribal kit and papyrus scroll.

Education in life

Today, education is associated with schools and universities. But reading, writing and arithmetic are only a percentage of true learning.

In ancient Egypt, children were taught lessons in life that adhered to their personal and religious beliefs and practices. Scripts that have survived many thousand years, such as the Instruction of Ptahhotep demonstrate how the Egyptians believed in teaching their children sound moral conduct.

Imagine that in today's world. A script in the house that holds such gems as this one from Ptahhotep: "As ill will comes from opposition, So goodwill increases love. . ."

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